A Ray of Light
A Ray of Light
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Instructions on Piety, the Passions, and the End Times
by Archimandrite Panteleimon (Nizhnik)
Paperback, 128 pages
A Ray of Light discourses a perennial topic of fascination and concern for all Christians—the End Times. The reader is exhorted to be spiritually prepared at all times for the return of Christ by understanding the pious practices of the Orthodox Christian Church as founded on the Scriptures and interpreted by the teaching of the Fathers. To this discourse are added essays on the veneration of Holy Icons, the power of Holy Relics, and the kingdom of grace on earth: the Church.
This classic text of the founder of Holy Trinity Monastery has been freshly typeset and lightly edited and now includes a short biography of the author in order to preserve and spread Father Panteleimon's legacy "unto generation and generation."