A Spiritual Psalter
A Spiritual Psalter
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Author: Saint Ephraim the Syrian,
Compiled by: Theophan the Recluse,
Edited by: Nun Christina, Edited by: Anna Skoubourdis
Paperback: 111 pages
It was meant that each prayer contained something special. With attention, the reader will immediately notice this, despite the apparently similarity of prayer turns of speech. But for someone to whom other prayers seem the same, it should not be boring to read them, just as it is not boring for a lover to pray to repeat an uncountable number of times: “Lord, have mercy” or: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner.” We accompany this Psalter with a sincere desire, so that everyone who opens it will always find in it what is necessary for themselves according to the state of their spirit: now enlightenment, now contrition, now inspiration, now consolation. Through the prayers of our holy father Ephraim the Syrian, may the Lord grant this to all of us!