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Lenten Lectionary

Lenten Lectionary

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In-Store Location: E03

Editor: Reader Peter Gardner

Format: Hardcover

Pages: 229

This book contains every Old Testament reading read during Lent and Holy Week, along with other associated prokeimena. Sheet music is provided for the reading from Ezekiel at Holy Saturday Matins. The readings for St. John the Baptist, the Forty Martyrs, and Annunciation are also included.

Readings from the New Testament are included if they are appointed to be read at a service which also has at least one Old Testament reading (mainly Royal Hours and Vesperal Liturgies), thus obviating the need to switch books, if one reader is reading both.

Biblical passages from the Old Testament are taken from the Septuagint, as translated by Lancelot Breton, with most names rendered according to standard English usage. Psalm verses are taken from the Psalter According to the Seventy, published by Holy Transfiguration Monastery. Biblical passages from the New Testament are taken from the King James Version.

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