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Noetic Prayer as the Basis of Mission and the Struggle Against Heresy

Noetic Prayer as the Basis of Mission and the Struggle Against Heresy

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by Archimandrite Ephraim Triandaphillopoulos

Softcover: 56 pages

The unique Orthodox method of mission succinctly put forward in this book is both tremendously important to the life of the Church in non-Orthodox lands and, unfortunately, largely missing from contemporary missionary work. This present reality makes this book by Archimandrite Ephraim of Siatista all the more important and the need for every Orthodox Christian to read it all the more urgent.

In six short chapters Fr. Ephraim, like a spiritual doctor and specialist in spiritual diseases, dissects the disease of heresy and its cause, offering both as method of cure and cure itself the medicine of noetic prayer. Like a doctor whose knowledge is the culmination of decades and centuries of medical research, Fr. Ephraim does not present his own thinking alone, but rather he draws from the holy fathers and ascetics of every age, including our own, to reveal the path of the Orthodox missionary both as one healed and one healing the brokenness heresy brings.

This book is required reading for every Orthodox missionary, or, rather, every Orthodox Christian, for there is no Christian who does not seek to be made whole and bring wholeness and spiritual health to his neighbor.

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