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The Mystery and Meaning of the Battle of Kosovo

The Mystery and Meaning of the Battle of Kosovo

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by Saint Nikolai (Velimirovich), Saint Justin (Popovic)

Paperback: 123 pages

The battle of Kosovo was, in the eyes of the world, a disastrous defeat for the Serbs. But in the eyes of heaven and of those who understand the mystery and meaning of the Battle of Kosovo, it was a glorious victory. It marked the day when the Serbian people ceased to trust in the material things of the kingdom of this world, and began to set their hope on the spiritual values of the heavenly kingdom. It marked the day when the Serbs voluntarily had sacrificed their glorious earthly kingdom and even themselves for Christ their God, so that they might be partakers of the incomparably more glorious heavenly kingdom of Christ. To grasp The Mystery and the Meaning of the Battle of Kosovo fully, one must read the pages that follow in this marvelous book. In this volume are contained three magnificent works by two of the most gifted spiritual writers in the history of the Serbian Orthodox Church.”

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