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A Panoramic View of Holy Scripture (Volume 2): Orthodox Homilies on the New Testament

A Panoramic View of Holy Scripture (Volume 2): Orthodox Homilies on the New Testament

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In-Store Location: E08

Author: Metropolitan Augustinos Kantiotes

Form: Paperback

Pages: 185

A Panoramic View of Holy Scripture, Volume 2: Orthodox Homilies Introducing All the Books of the New Testament, is a special commentary on and summary of each book of the New Testament, written by the preeminent clergyman and preacher of the Orthodox Church, Bishop Augustinos Kantiotes of Phlorina, Greece. This preacher and teacher par excellence in his long ministry in the Church has never failed to teach and expound Holy Scripture, recognizing the fact that God's Word will not return back again to God, void and without any effect. His marvelous knowledge, his unshakeable faith, and his appreciation of the laws of pedagogy have made him a giant among the Church's homilists. The present homilies are practical, inspirational, filled with instructions, and rightly helps the readers in their everyday lives. The author hopes that readers, after reading each homily, will then read the relevant text in the Holy Bible thoughtfully and prayerfully. The whole Bible for him is a single revelation with beginning, middle, and end. Christ is the center of the axis, around which all of Holy Scripture, both the Old and New Testaments, turns. Angels, patriarchs, kings, prophets, and all the saved speak about the Lord Jesus Christ. The author is sure that Holy Scripture, as the Orthodox Church interprets it, offers solutions for all the problems that confront humanity today, and is the only way for man to find salvation.

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